FENZYME – Obsession For Style uses the latest web technology to secure the data that is supplied by the visitors. The goal of this privacy policy is to acknowledge people about the data collected by us when a user comes to our site. The user information will never be exposed to any third party. We take number of security measures to secure the valuable information of our users.

We collect your information in different ways. By visiting our website, you accept the privacy policies of our website.

Cookies & Amp; Third Party Ads

The ads are served on our website, by Google as third party vendor. Google make use of DART cookies to enable the advertisements on our site. Visitors can opt out the use of DART cookies by browsing through content network privacy policy and Google Ad.

The third party companies are allowed to serve the advertisements on our website. These companies may use the non-personal information like browser type, date, time, click stream and other useful information. These advertising networks generally make use of third party web beacon or cookie to get this information.

What data we collect?

Our website collects the user information and particulars about the user. This may consist of some important data for a particular objective. The user data collected may be the name, gender, age, email address, or any necessary information. We use cookie for this purpose that is placed on user’s browser returning the user information unchanged.

Cookies do not contain any user data. They are present to enhance the user experience. You can comment and join any discussion on the website. You can make use of social networks to comment on our website. We may collect some technical details too. The data collected helps us to evaluate the website’s popularity. This data is recorded in Log file.

How the data collected is utilized?

The data collected may be utilized for different reasons. If you use our ‘Contact Us’ page, then you need to provide the contact details, so that we can contact you for any query. If you are using the ‘Sign Up’ option then you needs to fill your information to validate your information. We might provide the information collected by user to third party affiliates, keeping your gain in mind.

What if I give my particulars to marketing affiliates of this site?

Clicking the link of affiliates will redirect you to the partner’s website. We are not held accountable for securing your particulars on other websites that may open through our website. Your data will be in total control of other website. You may brows that website at your own risk.

Is my critical data kept safe?

Our website uses the secured mechanisms to preserve your information. Many security mechanisms like encryption techniques are employed for keeping your data safe. But we do not guarantee the protection of your data. It may be vulnerable to malicious attacks. We will provide the best security mechanisms from our side, but we cannot give the guarantee about protection of your information.

What if I get subscription emails/letters from this site seeking current details?

The newsletters are generally sent from official website to keep the members informed about current happenings. If you receive the emails asking for any personal information then you may regard them as fraud. You must not reply to such emails. You can inform us about such activities mailing us at our official email.

What if I do not give any data that I consider confidential?

When you use this website the allegation is you compromise to privacy policy. You can refrain from giving us the information that you may think of confidential. But filling the mandatory fields is also very important, if you want to take complete advantage of this website.

Notice related to Online Behavioral Advertising

Our site use affiliates and advertising networks that may pick up some non-personal data from the users. These advertisements may be related to good and products or any helpful service.

Privacy Policy for Children

The children may give up the private information easily. The site is use for the children, who are 13 years or above. People who fall in this specified age group should give us the data.

Google DART Cookies

This third party vendor uses the DART cookies to serve the advertisement on our site. You can opt out, if you wish to avoid the DART cookies on your system.

Images on our Website

The images used on our website are from different sources like Google Images, Flickr, and Free Stock Photos etc. We try our best to give the credit to original image source. If you feel any copyright issue, you can contact us to out ‘Contact Us’ page. We will resolve the problem together. We do not claim the copyrights of any image unless it is stated with the image.

Right to Change the Privacy Policy

This website reserves the right to change the privacy policy anytime without any prior information. If you still visit this site after the policy is revised, it implies that you agree to the policy and terms stated here.