3 Reasons You Want to Avoid Family Court During Divorce

Uncontested divorce from the start is a rare case. Usually, couples go through serious arguments to settle issues on custody, mutual possessions and debts, and so on. Yet, just a few divorcees go to the family court to make a deal there. 

There are many reasons to avoid family court during divorce. Apart from the fear of the unknown, hesitation and detest of red tape, you may face multiple hurdles if you still decide to handle your divorce packet to the family court. Get ready for endless payouts, waste on an attorney, long-term divorce process, impersonal attitude, and outcomes, which will almost definitely be different from your expectations. 

Due to that most couples seek mediation or cooperation with divorce attorneys which will allow them to settle disagreements on their own, save money, time, and come to decisions to satisfy both partners. If you still have some hesitations, look at the common reasons not to proceed with your case to the family court.

Court Laws and Rules are Difficult to Handle

Even if you get divorce papers online, fill them out on your own, and file for divorce with no fuss, it doesn’t mean that you will handle your divorce case in the family court on your own. More to this if you have some arguments with your partner and inquiries to the court, you need to supplement your divorce packet with extra forms and documents. In case you skip it, your documents will be returned and you need to refile them adding missing forms. This is a great waste of time. More to this, court workers are not allowed to give advice, so whatever your inquiry or choice is, no matter if it is useful or harmful, they will proceed with it according to the law. 

When you decide to smooth your suffering and hire a divorce attorney to represent you in family court, don’t expect a happy ending. Apart from going through decent expenses on an attorney, you cannot be a hundred percent sure to satisfy your personal needs and desires. The case may even get worse, but not better. So, to be on the safe side, better avoid family court and finish up with your divorce procedure without it.  

Waste of Time and Money

Getting legal divorce forms in advance, preparing a perfect packet of documents, complying for divorce with all requirements completed, don’t expect your case to be dealt with fast and clearly. Although most spouses within divorce prefer not to use family court services, those who still go to the family court create a decent amount of cases. So, concerning all details and complications many divorce cases are backlogged, so get ready for waiting. Apart from wasting time, you are to waste a great sum of money as well. In most cases divorcees are made to organize multiple conferences and attend endless hearings, so, your divorce process will be not only super prolonged but expensive as well. For extra actions taken in family court, your counsel fees will increase, not taking into account all payouts to your divorce attorney. 

You should think of mediating and settling arguments with the divorce attorney before you file for divorce because even these processes will take less money and time than the litigation on your issues in family court.

No Decisions on Your Own

When it comes to divorce outcomes, you are ready to spend all the money to reach your aim. Since they predetermine the way you will live your life after the divorce process is over. But the case is that you can never predict the decision of the judges and the outcomes of the divorce procedure as well. 

Your divorce attorney is interested in your case being successful. He/she will know all the details of your family story and prerequisites of the divorce and will do all possible to satisfy your needs and desires. When you have a negotiation with attorneys and your ex, your opinions are taken into account, you may decide on your own what is best for your children, your word may have a great impact on the results of the case. 

But when it comes to the family court, the situation is quite the opposite. It is far from online divorce services where you have a support team to answer all your questions and be handy in any issue. Family court workers have no interest in your case, they just do everything that seems to be right according to rules and laws. More to this, it often happens that evidence of the parties is not taken into account because they are not supported properly. Being overwhelmed with divorce cases, judges don’t go into details, they know nothing about your family and divorce issues peculiarities, their decision is based on documents and court hearings that are not enough to see in the core of the case. Even more, don’t expect to take someone’s side or choose your divorce plan or your partner’s. He/she often makes a compilation of your requests or creates an entirely new divorce plan. So, if you still have a desire to hand your case to the family court, prepare to live the life decided not by you but instead of you.  

Care about Future

The divorce procedure is not what you can see in films, no emotional speeches, no fighting in court to the last breath, no judges seeking justice. It is far more complicated, especially when you proceed with the case to the family court. So, before you head there, sit and calm down, then find the best way to cope with the divorce on your own. Gather divorce documents and fill them out on divorce platforms, use the services of mediators, advisors, and divorce attorneys to settle the divorce arguments in the best way for both of you. Only this way you can make your own decisions on the way you and your children will live afterward. This is what you should strive for. 

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