Things Mhot Hair Extensions Customers Concerned about
In recent years, as news reveals how some hair extensions companies have been operating in the shadows, customers pay more attention if the hair extensions they purchased or are going to purchase are legit. To determine whether hair extensions are legit, customers need to consider two things, including the sources of human hair materials and if an employer-employee relationship exists in a hair extensions company.

As an international company with more than 15-year experience in the hair products industry, Mhot hair always keeps the ethical source in mind, as they know customers value the transparent sources of human hair materials. The factories of Mhot hair locate in East Asia and Eastern Europe. To ensure the quality of hair extensions, the factories source hair materials from all over the world and purchase only human hair that has legit sources as hair extensions materials. In the production process, experienced employees play an essential role in product quality. Mhot hair values its employees and offers them job benefits, such as health insurance, family leave, paid holiday, etc. Their products cover all types of hair extensions, including lace weft clip-in, seamless clip-in, classic tape-in, invisible tape-in, flip-in (halo), machine hair weft, hand-tied hair weft, micro-ring, nano-ring, I-tip, flat-tip, U-tip hair extensions.
As Mhot human hair extensions are high quality, several hair extensions shops in North America and Western Europe choose Mhot hair as their supplier. The customers of those shops love their products because they can find hair extensions that match their natural hair perfectly, no matter colors or texture. Long lifetime and easy to manage are also why customers keep coming back.
About shipping

In Nov 2021, The customer service of Mhot hair said they got a lot of complaints about slow shipping from their customers. They feel very sorry about that. The main reason for delayed shipments is they take preventative measures to ensure their products are safe and hygienic. They require employees to execute proper hand washing protocol, clean work areas periodically and wear vinyl gloves when packaging orders. Those preventative measures lower the employees’ production efficiency. Generally, the shipping takes 8 – 10 business days for the package to arrive. As the situation with COVID-19 evolves day-to-day, the top priority of Mhot hair continues to be the health and safety of their employees, customers, and communities during these challenging times.