
60 Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women in 2017

Getting inked is a wonderful idea, but the question remains- where to begin with? Wrists, arms, legs are generally the commonest regions we choose, but there’s another popular area most of us love to sport a tattoo on. It’s the shoulder. For women, sporting tank tops or off-shoulder dresses and keeping the tattooed region exposed when hitting the beach is a splendid idea. Besides, this is one region where one can conceal wearing a high neck business shirt or t-shirt. But then again, the design and cut of the clothing is a factor to be considered.


Aren’t you thinking about something small yet classy? Something which looks beautiful. Small Tattoo Designs With Powerful Meaning as well? We know your worries and are ready with solutions! So what are the common types? Here is a list of the best shoulder tattoos for women.

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women in 2017

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (5)

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (6)

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (7)

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (8)

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (9)

Floral pattern on a twig

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (4)

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (1)

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (2)

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (3)

Perhaps the most popular and safest design for women along the shoulder region is a cute twig with varieties of flowers or maybe just a single type, like rose. If you are someone who gets fascinated with the idea of the traditional rose, jasmine, lily or any other floral art, this is the perfect design to choose. You can bring a touch of modernity by infusing a mix of colors (watercolor pattern). However, most women choose the black outline with traces of the same color, for a shadow effect. Hawaiian tattoos are much in demand now a day. They are ultimate tattoo designs that represent deep and glorified culture of Hawaiian Islands.

Celestial bodies

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (1)

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (2)

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (3)

Best Shoulder Tattoos for Women (4)

For many women, the idea of a ‘starry’ tattoo is no doubt, appealing. But given how many seems to choose this same design, there’s a strong urge to be a little unique. You can play around with stars, clouds, small planetary bodies fused with a feather to bring a dream like effect. Let your imagination run wild and get inked in the most innovative way. This kind of design looks amazing when you sport an off-shoulder top.





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