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Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier: 15 Tips

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (1)

Strong bonds in relationships are the key to happiness in our life. We make friends, fight over small things, love each other, die for one another and can do just anything for each other. There are different ways to make the friendship healthier and stronger with every passing day. Friendship is one of such gifts in life by God that can never end, until you destroy it. Making friends is easy, but staying in a friendship for long is very difficult task. Follow some of these ways to make your friendship healthier.

Make use of Twitter, Facebook, and other Social Media Tools

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (3)

You should use these social media websites to stay connected with your friends. Using these social media websites helps you to:

  • Stay connected with your friend
  • You can cut short your time on call and messages and even cut short the extra charges followed by calls and messages.
  • You can create a group and chat to many friends at once on social media websites

Prefer Choosing Quality Friends Rather Than Quantity

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (4)

Choosing good friends is really important. Having few quality friends rather than having quantity of friends in group is beneficial for you because:

  • You may go with a common understanding
  • There would be less fights between you
  • There will be less thoughts to follow you and others

You should Admit Your Mistakes

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (5)

It is always better to admit your mistakes in friendship. This tells about your modest character and develops respect about you in your friends’ eyes. Have guts to accept your mistakes.

Do not go with false friends

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (6)

There are some friends, who are always in the search of occasion to destroy your relation with other friends. Do not make such friends who are clever and selfish because:

  • They may break your relationships with good friends
  • There decision may wreck your life

Let the friendship grow naturally

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (7)

You should allow your friendship to gain good heights naturally. Do not try anything extra to impress your friends. If they are really good friends, they will understand you well and your relation will grow stronger with time.

Do not expect high

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (8)

You should not expect too high from your friends. Do not force them to change their feelings for you. High expectations when broke up, hurts a lot. So it is better to go on casually in your friendship. You should not expect high because:

  • It hurts too much when expectations broke up
  • It may cost you the relation

Do not believe Assumptions

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (9)

You should not assume the things or pre-meditate them. You are not God to assume the things to happen. You might lose good relations due to false relations.


Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (10)

Communication is the key for success for every relation. It makes your friendship strong. Communication helps in many ways:

  • It helps you to stay in regular touch
  • It helps to express your feelings
  • It also helps to ill up the gap in relationships

Give Space to your Friends

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier

You should give yourself and your friends’ time to adjust, so that they can develop better understanding for you and can adjust themselves in the environment. It may take time to understand each other and this will also lead to improvement of your friendship.

Respect your Friends and get respected

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (11)

It is the nature’s law that you will get respect, if you give respect. Respect your friendship and respect your friends. This will help you to:

  • Making strong bonds in friendship
  • Your friends will also start giving you respect

Defend Your Friends

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (12)

To create a healthy friendship, you should defend your friends at times, when needed. This helps your friends to gain confidence because of your support.

Just Be Yourself

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (13)

Do not make your fake personality in front of your friends. This may lead to:

  • Misinterpretation of your character
  • False impression of you in your friends
  • May lead to breaking up of your friendship

Be Ready to Support each Other

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (14)

You should always be ready to help your friend at any cause and must be instant at your reaction. Be there when your friend needs you. Supporting each other is important because:

  • This makes your relation strong
  • Your friendship will last for long

Be Committed to Friends

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (15)

You must stay committed to your friends. Friendship is not at all a joke. Once the trust is lost in a relation, the relation is spoiled and you can’t get back in relation again with same feel, even after your desperate efforts.

Return a Favor

Essential Ways to Make the Friendship Healthier (16)

You must return a favor to your friends or say thank you for the favor. Help your friend, when he/she is in need.

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