Fashion and Home Considerations to Keep in Mind for Every Season

With the changing of the seasons comes the need to update your wardrobe. We want to feel cool in the summers, warm and snuggly in the winters, and keep our look fresh all year round. There’s a myriad of options available to meet all of our fashion requirements, and it can be tough to choose the outfits and styles that will create the perfect look.

To look your best, whether it’s snowing outside or the sun is shining, each season will require you to keep certain things in mind. What works in the summer will obviously not work in the winter, and vice versa. To help you, we’ve compiled tips that you need keep in mind, no matter what the weather outside looks like.

Fashion and Home Considerations to Keep in Mind for Every Season


Summer is one of the best times for fashion because you can cut loose and really let your wardrobe explode with color, and you can most definitely afford to show a little more skin!

When summer rolls around, choose colors that are bright and cheerful, and reflect the energy and happiness the sun inspires in you! Stick with soft, loose fabrics, like cotton and synthetics, that will allow your skin to breath and keep the sweating down. For your home, use the same materials for your PJs and bed sheets to help you stay cool, and keep your AC bill down.

Finally, try to stick with shorter sleeves, shorts, and skirts that allow more of your skin to breathe. You need to be careful and wear plenty of sunscreens, but the sun unlocks our skin’s untapped Vitamin D surplus, which will help achieve natural, beautiful looking skin, and that’s a fashion statement in itself!


Fall is a time where colors start to take on a subdued, but vibrant beauty. The leaves turn to shades of orange, brown, and red as they fall, and the landscape transforms into a beautiful spectacle that looks as though it drifted out of a painting.

To tap into that natural beauty, Fall is the time to start using darker, more natural hues that will help you blend with the colors nature has already provided. Use shades of orange, brown, and red to tie in with the season.

In your home, try using the plants and produce that start to blossom in the fall as decoration. Pumpkins, pears, and apples all share a color scheme with the world outside your window in the fall and can help bring that same feeling into your kitchen or living room.


The air starts to chill, and frost speckles across your windows every morning, and you know, without a doubt, that winter is coming. Winter can be a very subdued time for fashion, where beauty takes a back seat to stay warm, and the cold seems to sap the color from everything.

To stave off the winter chill, and look hot doing it, focus on using your layers to keep you warm when you’re out and about, but incorporate fashionable items underneath. If you have any wool in your closet, ladies, now is the time.

In your home, keep some thick materials, like wool or thickly woven cotton, to swap out your comforters and blankets. You could also invest in a high-quality rug that will help insulate the heat, stave off the cold, and save you money on your heating bill while retaining the beautiful colors that have drained from the world outside.


Spring can be a very awkward time for fashion. On the one hand, the new life that bursts forth ushers in a new year of beautiful, vibrant color that we can tap into. On the other, there’s no way you want you $500 dress to get soaked in a spring shower.

Spring is a time when you should be shedding those winter layers, and trading them in for light, water-resistant pieces that will help you stay dry.

You can also look to introduce light blues and yellows around your house to reflect the blossoming landscape while keeping your windows propped open to keep your house at a reasonable temperature.

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