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How To Clean Our Face | Precautions, Procedure and Care

Cleaning our skin is essential for a nice and glowing skin. We need to take all of the dead cells and filth from our face in order to preserve that healthy looking skin. There are many ways to clean your face and many routines you can follow, and sometimes all of the advice can be a little bit confusing.

How To Clean Our Face

To help you figure out the best way to clean your face daily and keeps it looking nice and healthy, here are few helpful tips.

How To Clean Our Face

Determine your skin type

How To Clean Our Face

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Determining your skin type is crucial. Go to your dermatologist and find out what is your skin type. This way you are going to be able to adjust your skin care routine to your face, without having to stand half an hour next to all of the skin care products in order to find out which one is going to suit you.

After you found out which skin type you have, you can then pick the best skin care items that are going to complement your skin. For example, if your skin is oily then definitely avoid oily creams and cleansers, because they are going to make your skin look too shiny. Instead of this you can use the best night cream for oily skin.

Don’t overdo your cleaning

How To Clean Our Face

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The biggest mistake many people make is that they overdo their face cleaning routine. Cleaning your face twice per day is the upper limit you should reach. Everything over this limit is simply going to destroy your skin’s natural protective layer and cause breakouts.

If you wear heavy make-up and you re-apply it more than twice for one day, first use a clean brush and then it is okay to clean your face more often but choose mild cleaning products that won’t cause skin irritation and damage.

Don’t tug on your face

How To Clean Our Face

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Sometimes when we are in a hurry, we tend to tug on our face in order to get that make up from our face. These rough movements can damage your skin and cause wrinkles later on in life because our skin gets stretched and pulled in the process.

After you have removed all of the make-up, use a dry towel and gently tap on your face to remove any extra liquid or too dry your face after you have washed it.

Exfoliate regularly

How To Clean Our Face

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Exfoliation of your skin is a necessary step that you have to implement in your skin care routine. Exfoliation helps us remove dirt from our skin cells and it opens up pores to remove everything that got stuck inside of them. This will help you diminish those blackheads on your nose and on your face, and prevent future breakouts.

Don’t touch your face

How To Clean Our Face

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This step is also an important one because we all do this almost daily. If you can’t help yourself, or if you are doing this without thinking, then at least avoid touching your face skin when you are outside. We touch different things on our way to work or when we are at school, and all of the bacteria and dirt is going to get transferred to your skin.

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