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45 Pretty Thanksgiving Nails Art Designs 2017

Heyya! Gals! How‘re you doing this morning? Oh! You woke up being lazy and getting late in being ready! Wait! Wait! Wait! Don’t you just step out of the home without working on your nails! Yeah! We mean it, girly!

Pretty Thanksgiving Nails Art Designs (1)

These pretty thanksgiving nails art designs have been gathered for you, and you won’t even try them once, this isn’t fair at all! Leave your all laziness for a moment and just give a look. You’re really going to thank us later for this, after all its thanksgiving ladies! Ahaan! And as far as cute nail art designs are concerned, here is the list!

Pretty Thanksgiving Nails Art Designs

Pretty Thanksgiving Nails Art Designs (19)

Pretty Thanksgiving Nails Art Designs (8)

Pretty Thanksgiving Nails Art Designs (2)

Pretty Thanksgiving Nails Art Designs (16)

Cute pumpkins for thanksgiving!

Pretty Thanksgiving Nails Art Designs (1)

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Aww! That’s so very pretty! You would’ve never seen something like this. Take your shiny nail paints out and use those pointed brushes. Give it a light base say peach or light orange, and design pumpkins on the tips and pointed side of the nails. You need brown or dark orange for it. Once you’re done it, you’ll find it so cute!

How about autumn scarecrows?

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Pretty Thanksgiving Nails Art Designs (5)

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Yes! Yes! Scarecrows and what’s wrong with that? It’s a cute way to welcome autumn and moreover the upcoming celebrations. Well, there’s another side to this as well, scarecrows are scary images and they even show the dullness of winters!

Turkey nails art designs!

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Pretty Thanksgiving Nails Art Designs (8)

Pretty Thanksgiving Nails Art Designs (9)

What about googly eyed turkeys? Yeah! They look so pretty at times and not even difficult to do it yourself! Just like you’d draw it plain paper, it’s same for your nails. Make sure you show big round eyes and that’s what googly eyes are all about. If you aren’t sure then you may take help of your nail art designer! At some point of time, different nail polish designs and ideas may help you to decorate your nail to look flattering and beautiful.

Thanksgiving with polka dots nail art!

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Polka dots are very pretty thanksgiving nails art designs! You’d love to flaunt them on the job and even off the job. And don’t ask me how to do it; you’re already doing it all this time girly! Just make use of bright and matte nail paints such as red, yellow and pink! Thank your nails for such a fabulous look this thanksgiving.

Pretty Thanksgiving Nails Art Designs (23)

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