25 Tattoo Photography Ideas For Models
Tattoo photography is a special way of appreciating and showcasing tattoos, where the model’s skin is like a canvas for art and self-expression. In this article, we are sharing classical and unusual ideas for photographing tattoos. They are sure to inspire you and make you view this genre from another perspective.

Tattoo Photography Ideas For Models
Use Props

With a prop, you can greatly diversify the composition of the shot. It can contribute to the story told, create a bright accent or make the shot more eye-catching. A prop shouldn’t be complicated – a table or an umbrella will perfectly do. For instance, ask the model to put their hands on the table and demonstrate their tattoos.
Take Backlight Portraits

One of our favorite photography tattoo ideas is to involve backlight for exposure. To achieve an extra fill-in flash and a stunning 3D effect, you will need to hold a light meter in hands or set an appropriate metering parameter and two lighting sources.
Use Various Colors of Light

A trendy tattoo shooting idea is easy to implement with the help of color gels. They are frequently used by shooters of many creative genres. Professionals tend to experiment with a variety of colors in order to impress viewers with breathtaking portraits. Firstly, place just two colors of light emanating from different directions.
Selfie in the Mirror

It is one of the simplest tatoo photo selfie ideas. If the model has tattoos, they can always take a picture of themselves in the mirror. But remember that it is very important to monitor the background, it shouldn’t distract from the model and be neutral.
Use a Camera as a Prop

Ask the model to hold the camera in hands. Tattoo art photography is exactly the genre where you can show off your creativity. Don’t hesitate to experiment with lighting, composition, background, angles and scenes for an intriguing shot.
Shoot a Profile

One more idea for an unusual tattoo portrait shot is to photograph the model’s profile, with the model facing right or left. Be mindful of the neck and jawline of the model. They may feel insecure about these body parts, so choose this angle for skinny people and those who are totally fine with such shots.
Shooting in Movement

To take a portrait in motion, a model and a photographer should work in sync with each other. Motion makes the picture more dimensional and grabs the viewer’s attention. You either take a successful portrait at the first try or make several efforts till you are satisfied with the result.
Like a Movie

An excellent idea for all the cinematic photography lovers. Think of the appropriate story, envision it in your mind and bring it to life with a tattooed model. An intricate twist or complex ending aren’t required.
In the Bed

Among the best couple photography ideas with tattoos is to take pictures in the bed. Such shots aren’t supposed to have an erotic implication but convey care and intimacy. The couple may be involved in a conversation, exchange jokes, show their love and feelings towards each other.

Such boudoir photography ideas will definitely be appreciated by women who are after magnificent boudoir photos and wish to demonstrate their tattoos. A bodysuit, as one of the underwear options, is quite trendy and will look awesome in the frame. As an additional accessory, we also recommend wearing chokers to make the shots more daring.
Focus on Details

Tattoo photography doesn’t always mean that a face should be featured as well. You may take pictures of the hands holding, for instance, a favorite mug, or a figure observing the nature around. Details make photographs more prominent, not just faces.
In the Gym

Taking pictures of sportsmen or in the gym is one of the current trends in photography. It will be very cool to combine a sporty look and tattoos on the body. To achieve awesome shots, take care of a proper outfit and organize a photoshoot in the gym.
Shoot Lifestyle

Even if a photographer is located right in front of the model, it is still possible to take a great candid shot. Try making a conversation with the model in order to distract them or ask their friend to do it. Besides, you can engage the model in some task or take pictures from the distance.
A Model Stands Back to the Camera

Ask the model to stand with their back facing the camera. Such a position adds a whole new meaning to the shot. It will look especially cool if there are tattoos on the back of the neck. The model may also put the hands behind their head. By the way, it is one of the best Instagram photography ideas, which followers will surely appreciate.
Black & White

Black and white portraiture is another peculiar genre that you can take advantage of when photographing tattoos. B&W shots put emphasis not just on tattoos but also convey feelings and details more clearly and expressively.
Shoot from Above

It is one of the best photography tattoo ideas for shooting outside, with a focus on the model’s face and tattoos. For such shots, a photographer may use additional shadows that can be captured on a sunny day.
On the Beach

In fact, it is a great place to show the beautiful torso and beautiful tattoos on the body. For this idea, the model’s clothing is quite important. Pick an outfit of light colors, for instance, pastel ones, like mint, peach, light blue or pink, lilac.
With Glasses

Next time you go to the shooting, bring the sunglasses with you. Alternatively, ask the model to wear several bracelets, a new watch or a favorite fitness bracelet. Then take a picture of it all from above. This will help you convey the rebel-like image of a tattooed model.
Pretty Girl Portrait

Women always strive for beauty, especially if their beauty is captured on camera. It serves as a sort of assurance that they are, in fact, beautiful not just in real life, but in photographs as well. That’s why an appealing and even sexy tattoo portrait is one of the greatest ideas ever. To implement it, we suggest that you ask a model to stand sideways and look directly into the camera. You will achieve a cool accent on the tattooed hands.
In the Forest

Those who often take creative portraits advise this idea as one of the best ways to take vivid and dramatic shots without extra effort. Ask a model to place the hands near the face and keep the eyes closed. Alternatively, the model can also just look at the camera, showing their tattoos. Pick whatever option you like the most.
Awesome Backgrounds

Tattoo art photography absolutely requires an impressive background. When you are just getting started, it is totally fine to use a neutral and simple background, but it may quickly become boring both for a photographer and the viewers. Find an extraordinary background and stunning tattoo shots are guaranteed!
Use Street Style

The street style appeared individually and quickly established its position among the trendiest ones. But it may be hard to hit the spot with this style. It doesn’t really have any peculiar features or certain limits, it is mainly about casual things and convenience. We think that this style is the most suitable one for photographing tattoos. Try putting it together!
On the Concert

If you can’t think of a good place to take a tattoo photo, try visiting local events. No matter where you are, whether it is a metropolis or a small city, certain festivities, concerts or sports events are supposed to be held there sooner or later. At such events, it is always possible to photograph people with tattoos. You can capture details– hands, parts of the face or body.
Take Colored Milk Bath Photography

A truly extraordinary idea for tattoo shots is to take them in a milk bath. For more diversity, don’t forget to add colors with the help of non-harmful paints or food dye. To achieve awesome colorful patterns, throw a bath bomb in the water.
Hands on a White Background

Here is another idea where it is important to monitor the background. To implement it, you need a solid white background. If you can’t find a white one, as an exception, you can take a shot on any other warm-colored background. The model should place the hand on the background, where the emphasis will be on the hand tattoos.