My Hairs are Thin, What should I do to make it thicker?
Having a thick hair makes an individual feel confident and same has been proven from various researches conducted. The issue becomes a lot sensitive for people who have thin hair and the problem persists within both the genders i.e. males and females. Even women suffer from this and they constitute around 40% of the population suffering from the problem.
Individuals tries various remedies to get rid of the problem i.e. they take the help of medicines, laser devices, hair transplantation etc. but such methods are either very expensive or can have side effects on individuals. Hence individuals who say that my hair are thin, what should I do to make it thicker? Then perfect solution for them is to adopt natural remedies and thus enjoy results of the same.
Tips to make thin hair thicker
Coconut oil massage
Individuals living in India or Sri Lanka often use coconut oil on their hair and get a proper massage done on their head. This oiling is leads to various benefits because of the features embraced within it.
- Quality of hair of such individuals is incomparable, and it is because of the presence of Lauric and Capric acid in the oil.
- These acids prevent hair from microbes which causes hair fall.
- Along with it, it also provides Vitamin E and other acids which keep the hair moisturized.
- Hair is also protected from the root thus restraining any kind of breakage.
Amla is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and other flavonoids. Eating this can give various health benefits to an individual and one can also apply it.
- The Amla should be applied on scalp and it prevents your hair from breaking or getting gray at an early age.
- The acids in Amla, nourishes the hair and also gives it right amount of nutrition which is required for keeping the hair healthy.
- One can even prepare Amla oil at home by boiling Amla along with coconut oil.
Ayurvedic shampoo
According to Ayurveda, three herbs are very essential for hair and can lead to good volume and shine in the hair and hence such ingredients should be used to get a perfect hair.
- The herbs are Reetha, Amla and Shikakai. Reetha works as a cleanser which cleans any kind of microbe present within hair and also nourishes it to give it a natural look.
- Also Shikakai is very effective for the scalp as it helps in maintaining the PH level in hair and also maintains the content of natural oil within hair.
Hibiscus oil
Hibiscus is the flower which has soothing effect and is also rich in Vitamin C. It gives an amazing result when used on hair.
- The oil contains astringent and nourishing factors which is good for every hair type.
- For individuals whose hair is getting thin due to breakage or because of dryness then the best solution to opt for is Hibiscus.
- This will easily detangle your hair and also give the required nourishment to scalp.
Honey remedies
The major reasons of thin hair or hair loss are the lack of nutrition in the hair, and the best thing to do in such a case is to feed your hair with all the important ingredients.
- Make balanced nutrition’s a part of your healthy diet.
- Nutrition like honey can be directly applied on the scalp and it can really improve the condition of hair.
- It contains lots of minerals and vitamins keeping the hair well moisturized and away from any kind of dryness.
Hibiscus Mask
For people who are really worried about their gray hair along with hair loss, then this is considered as the best remedy to get rid of the same. This will strengthen your hair from roots to the tip and also gives it a smooth a shining effect.
Avocado Mask
This mask is like a nuclear bomb of all the important ingredients such as Vitamins A, D, E and B6 and also consists of magnesium, folic acid, amino acids, copper and many more stuff. With all these essential elements present within the mask, hair gets all the important ingredients making them strong and much powerful than before.
Onions are not just simple vegetable which are used for adding taste to food, it can even be used for improving the condition of hair.
- The sulfur content within onions are very good for improving the blood circulation and it even makes the hair stronger by opening up the pores within it.
- The follicles get blocked due to dirt, oil or infection, wherein sulfur acts as an effective ingredient for improvising the condition of hair.
- Shallots and red onions are recommended more in comparison to the other ones.
These are some of the essential ingredients which can be used for improvising the conditions of hair and get rid of thin hair. Along with the above the use of rosemary oil, lavender oil and Cedarwood oil works as a good alternative for thickening hair. So individuals who complain that My Hairs are Thin, What should I do to make it thicker? Above mentioned solutions would work perfectly for them and should be put in use to achieve effective results.
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