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What You Need to Know Before Purchasing a Body Shaver

Getting rid of body hair is more efficient and simple nowadays when body shavers and trimmers have increased in popularity. Irrespective of whether you want a clean shave or just grooming, you have to know what features to look at before purchasing the right body shaver. Furthermore, you have to get familiar with more shaving facts to understand which are the most important characteristics of a device.

Purchasing the right grooming equipment will save you a lot of money and time. When it comes to body shavers, the features you should look for are efficiency, price and customer reviews. A great body shaver will help you remove the unwanted body hair without irritating the skin. Read more about body shavers to make sure you aim for the right kind of device.

What You Need to Know Before Purchasing a Body Shaver

Types of Body Shavers

Before paying for that body shaver, you should first learn more about the existing types on the market to make sure you get the right one. There are two kinds of body shavers, namely rotary and foil shavers. Rotary shavers feature 2-3 rotating heads which raise the hair from the skin before cutting it. Normally, this type of shavers has motors with pivoting rotors, that help users obtain a clean shave. On the other hand, foil shavers have razor blades located behind protective foil. This mechanism helps to obtain a close shave. In case you have sensitive skin, this electric shaver is suitable for you.


There are numerous famous brands that produce body shavers, featuring plenty of characteristics to facilitate the process. The most famous ones include Remington, Panasonic, Braun, and Philips. It is best to choose a trusted brand with quality products to save money in the long run. Even if the body shaver might seem a bit more expensive at the beginning, you won’t have problems with it. Irrespective of the brand you choose, you need to know that specialists recommend Philips for rotary shavers and Braun for foil shavers.


Depending on your lifestyle, you can choose between rechargeable, battery-operated or mains powered body shavers. Generally, rechargeable shavers are very efficient when you are on the move. This type of shaver offers you the convenience and flexibility to shave anywhere and anytime. Nevertheless, it may become a drag if your boy shaver will need the constant recharge. In case you choose a battery-operated one, make sure you always have extra batteries when carrying it around with during holidays.

Dry vs Wet

When purchasing a body shaver, you have to choose between wet shaving and dry shaving. Think about your skin type to prevent skin irritation. Dry shaving is very clean and fast, and it helps if you are in a rush. Numerous men prefer to use a dry electric shaver. However, some brands also allow you to use the body shaver when wet, with a shaving gel. This way, you get the best of both worlds.

Cleaning Stations vs Manual Clean

Keep in mind that one of the most important things after using your body shaver is cleaning it. You can choose between a shaver with manual cleaning or one with cleaning stations. The maintenance routine and care for you shaver will guarantee its longiness, providing the best results. It is imperative to clean your body shaver regularly. Otherwise, you will not always obtain the best results. If you can afford it, purchase a body shaver with an inbuilt cleaning station. All you have to do is pop the body shaver into the base unit and it will start cleaning by itself. This way, it will remain hygienic and efficient.


When you choose a body shaver, think about your budget. It is true that it would be better for you to purchase a quality shaver but try not to spend too much on a device with features you do not need. Make sure you take a close look at all its characteristics and choose a body shaver that suits your needs. Every little extra characteristic add up quality to your product but it automatically becomes more expensive.

To make sure you purchase the right body shaver for your needs, think about its characteristics. Consider the types of electric body shavers and how you could use them. Do not forget about the part where you have to periodically maintain and clean it. Find a quality product from a great brand, but try not to go over your budget.

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