
52 Hot Black Men Beard Styles to try in 2017

Hair is an essential thing for a good personality, the right amount of hair at the proper places would make sure you look attractive whereas lack of hairs would also embarrass you at many places. Nobody likes to lose their head hair, a bald head is a thing of depression for most of the people. On the contrary, good locks on your head mean you can flaunt them and impress the beautiful ladies easily. Head hairs although so peculiarly beneficial in impressing someone lose their charm if the beard is not maintained properly. The beard of every man has to be properly maintained and he should groom it in order to look presentable. So, we shall discuss hot black men beard styles which one can keep and flaunt in the society. Finding one or two best beard styles for black men is quite difficult, because of different face shape suitability, the best way is to collect the different facial hair styles considering all the aspects.

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Beard is a problem that every teenage guy faces. What sets the men apart from boys is how they are able to use their beard to their advantage and groom their personality to adjust with their beard growth. There can be different styles of facial hair for black men that can be followed in order to match the body type and face structure. If you are black in color and have chosen the beard style correctly, then there can be no denying that you look pretty awesome in your style statement which is unique in its own essence.

Hot Black Men Beard Styles

Let’s now take a peek into different Facial hair styles for black men that one may keep to enhance their style statement. They are:

The Mustache

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One of the official trademarks of muscularity for black men found all over the globe is the mustache. It is a universal mark of power and machismo of black men. Although it looks quite good on some people but it does not fit into everyone’s bag. So before you go to select it as your personal pet, you must check with others whether it looks good on you or not.

The Goatee

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Yes, the goatee is loved by most of the youngsters and especially by black men. It has got its name from the beard that grows on a goat as the name suggests. Also, most of the goats are darker in color and this is why Goatee beard style is preferred by most of the black men.

  • Quite cool style but needs permanent care and attention otherwise loses its charm.
  • In this style the cheeks are shaved or trimmed with mustache only the hair growth on chin is kept, which can be in different proportions.

The French Beard Style

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It is not much different from the goatee; we can say it is broader form of the goatee, here with the hairs on chin. If black men are going for this style then it is preferred to color the beard hair to red or reddish brown.

  • The mustache is also kept however just like the goatee the cheeks are shaved.
  • Many film stars have made this style famous all over the globe among their fans; some of them are Johny Depp and Robert Downey Jr.

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Style: "car"

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  1. There are some interesting styles displayed on here. I agree that some of these aren’t one-size-fits-all. I prefer the full beard myself. It’s easier to maintain. Great photos btw.

    1. Yes, you can mail your pics to [email protected]. We would love to add your pics to our website (If clicked in high definition, because it’s quite necessary of articles’ quality). And also provide the link which you want us to use as credit.

  2. My wife talked me to grow a beard. I didn’t like it at first but I love it now. It gives me a special look and mistic.

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