How to Be a Better Partner: Tips & Tricks
Life can be hectic for everyone these days with busy work schedules, families to raise and friends to socialize with and it is important not to forget that special person in your life… whether it be husband, wife or life partner. They often feel unappreciated in these busy lives we lead, so here are some ways to help that special person in your life realize how much you really appreciate them:

How to Be a Better Partner
Hugs and kisses

Couples need to cuddle more! Hold hands in public, cuddle on the sofa or get more intimate in the bedroom. Whatever you and your partner prefer, human contact is an important gesture to show someone how much you love them. And remember, if you’re a pet lover you probably give lots of affection to your pets – whether it be dog, cats, rabbits or gecko – but make sure you spare some of your attention and affection for your other half!
Buy them gifts

You don’t have to lavish them with expensive items all the time, but small and thoughtful gifts are key. Yes, women generally love flowers, but there are lots of other ideas you could come up with as it’s true that it’s the thought that counts. Is there something they’ve spotted lately that they like? Do they have any interests which may lead to present ideas? Are there any brands that they prefer? Noticing these details can be far more meaningful than a generic item you might have bought for a relative for Christmas!!! Similarly, men hate getting socks and smellies every Christmas, so get your thinking caps on and come up with some more original ideas… how about an anniversary shirt to declare your love for them or show an interest they have? Is there any new music they like listening to? What hobbies do they have? What do they like doing in their free time?
Send them love notes

No matter how busy you are, find a couple of seconds to spare to write them a note to make them see what they mean to you. The message can be short and simple, or you can write them a poem or story if you’ve got the inclination! Creativity is key, so find different places to leave your notes and different media to write on… it could be a post-it on the fridge declaring simply “I love you” or a letter in their packed lunch bag explaining what makes them special to you… why not leave a message on their computer, email or Facebook page, or make a bookmark or keyring with a special message on? It only takes a short amount of time to say how much you care!
Spend quality time together

Most importantly, make sure you make time for each other. Plan to do activities together such as going to the cinema, theatre or even a walk in the woods. Make sure you do things spontaneously too – go to a concert, a bar or out for a meal – anything to keep that spark alive!