
42 Meaningful Unalome Tattoo Designs and Symbols

Do you wish to possess a mystic aura in your personality? How will you do that? Well, getting yourself inked is probably an interesting way to stand out in the crowd. Tattoos are for everyone but only a few know the reason of the permanent marks. There are myriad designs for tattoo lovers and if you fall for the aesthetic artwork then the meaningful unalome tattoo designs and symbols knock you down with feather. Unalome features an aesthetic appeal and the symbols usually hold a strong meaning.

Meaningful Unalome Tattoo Designs and Symbols

The tattoo designs depict your struggles in life and hence, they are not meant for all. Representing a spiral, the motif usually features a straight line running which signifies that the spirit has finally reached a place of harmony. This is what makes the popular tattoo designs so special. Unalome was essentially a crown of the enlightened saints namely ‘Arahants’.

Commonly designed on the sternum or on the noticeable parts of your body, the visual images lets you reach enlightenment. Do you admire harmonious designs? If yes, then get yourself inked with the meaningful Unalome tattoo designs and symbols and lock the impressive spirals in your body:

Meaningful Unalome Tattoo Designs and Symbols

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The Spiritual Yant Symbol

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If your spiritualism is driving you crazy, then get a permanent Unalome yant symbol marked on your body. It’s essentially a right choice for all tattoo lovers. It’s a cultured Unalome design that you can doodle on every part of your body such as hands, neck or even chest. Undoubtedly, it would enliven your hipster personality in no time.

The Half Moon Symbol

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It is yet another popular design that’s sure to struck dumb you in no time. It is placed between Ongk Pra and Unalome in order to signify enlightenment in extreme darkness. Have you ever thought what Ongk Pra is? Well, it signifies Buddha’s body denoted by a circle featuring rounded edges and excessively bigger rectangles that symbolize heart, head, and stomach of Lord Buddha. This meaningful Unalome tattoo Design and Symbol gives you strength to face all the worst situations in life with a positive attitude.

The Lotus Symbol

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The tattoo signifies perfection and truly imbibes the true meaning of Unalome. The pretty lotus design, by symbolizing a journey to enlightenment gives you the courage to beat all struggles and reach harmony, a path of divine intervention.

The Om Symbol

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Om is an infinite state. It’s a source of consciousness and vibration of the entire universe. Most importantly, it’s the holiest of words that amalgamate the mystic and the cosmos world together.

The Treble Clef Symbol

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A major symbol for music, this Unalome symbol symbolizes enlightenment and harmony that can be reached via light, love, and music. By designing an infinity sign at the lower end, the words are imbibed all along the body.

The Spiral

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Representing winding journey inward, ancient spirals let one love themselves. From that enlightening journey, one return with much more wisdom, power, and strength.

The Admiring Linework Symbol

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It’s yet another symbol of reaching enlightenment. It denotes a path that usually starts in the middle of a spiral and as you continue to walk down the path, it seems you are wandering, hence, becoming conscious of the surroundings. As you reach the top, it means you have reached the destination of enlightenment. Get your hands inked with this admiring design and follow the path of enlightenment

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So, tattoo lovers!! What are you waiting for? Get inspired by the above meaningful Unalome tattoo designs and symbols and let the artwork dazzle your personality.

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